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LavaSlim Activates Your Body’s
“Belly-Burning” Mode To Reveal A Slimmer Figure
But Here’s How You See
Even FASTER Results

Hey, it’s David again.

You’re about to see incredible changes with LavaSlim. Don’t be surprised if in just a couple of weeks you notice your face has slimmed out, your body feels lighter, your clothes fit better (or even hang loose)...and friends are asking how you did it!

But there’s one question the men and women who want the most dramatic results with LavaSlim always ask me:

“What else can I do to get rid of the weight faster?”

They don’t want to starve or work out until they’re half-dead from exhaustion. And as you now know, the “calories in, calories out” argument is outdated and flat-out wrong.

With LavaSlim, you ignite one of the biggest culprits behind excess weight: a sluggish metabolism.

But there’s something else that plays a huge part in whether you have a fit, healthy figure or one that struggles to keep the pounds off.

The BS Cycle Keeping People Fat

The problem starts with the fact that excess body fat plays havoc with your blood sugar.

Carrying extra fat can decrease insulin sensitivity, which means our muscles and liver can’t absorb all the glucose (AKA blood sugar) that most of your food is broken down into.

So your body boosts insulin to compensate…but all that extra insulin and blood sugar can trigger your “fat storing” mode.

So even if you’re trying to lose weight, the vicious Blood Sugar Cycle you’re trapped in can fight you every step of the way.

To make things worse, high insulin levels send hunger signals that make extra snacking or eating almost impossible to fight…and all those calories jump straight onto your hips or belly.

And each week your blood sugar bounces up and down uncontrollably means more pounds pack on, more energy drains away, and the closer your body slides towards Type 2 Diabetes.

The New Blood Sugar Breakthrough

We knew early on Helen’s blood sugar was out of control. And while LavaSlim could help a little, its #1 focus was metabolism.

So we asked Dr. Kazan, who gave us a formula he had perfected for patients whose blood sugar and weight were soaring dangerously high.


LavaGuard is designed to flatten out fat-storing insulin spikes and support healthy blood sugar levels using several special ingredients.


For a start, white mulberry is a high blood sugar “buster” few know about.

These small, white berries have a honey-like sweetness, but that isn’t why traditional medicine has used this pale fruit for centuries.

Research has found that white mulberry can significantly reduce blood sugar levels, especially after meals1.

But one ingredient, no matter how effective, was going to be enough.

That’s why Dr. Kazan also included banaba.

If you ever see the leaves of this tree, you’d probably think they were unremarkable. But each leaf is packed with compounds that studies have found to lower blood sugar2.

For example, the corosolic acid found in banaba leaves is shown to lower blood sugar by increasing insulin sensitivity.

Other compounds in the leaves suppress an enzyme that aids in digesting carbs, which would otherwise raise blood sugar levels.

Another blood sugar “buster” you’ll find in here is alpha-lipoic acid (or ALA).

This powerful antioxidant has a clinically-proven effect on blood sugar3.

Studies reveal that ALA helps remove fat building up in our muscle cells. This fat makes insulin less effective and sends blood sugar levels up and up.

Alpha-lipoic acid is also linked to supporting weight loss, fighting signs of skin aging, and slowing memory loss, making it the perfect ingredient for LavaGuard!

But Dr. Kazan is a leader in this field, so he wasn’t content with just this.

That’s why LavaGuard also contains…
Bitter Melon

Bitter Melon Extract

Bitter melon, a vegetable that looks a little like a cucumber, contains compounds that also help blood sugar4.

Vanadium & Juniper

Vanadium & Juniper Berries

Vanadium5 and juniper berries6, both of which have shown major promise for their anti-diabetic properties.

Licorice Root

Licorice Root

Licorice root7, which scientists have found can play a huge part to stabilize blood sugar levels.

All packed into a single supplement to help almost anyone beat their blood sugar.

What Happens When You “Bust” Skyrocketing Blood Sugar

We wanted Helen to have the best chance of getting her health and body back, so we didn't hesitate.

Using LavaGuard, we switched off her body's fat storage mode.

And within a few weeks, we saw an unbelievable transformation.

Soon, the pounds were flying off even faster…

She was waking up with energy she hadn't felt since her 20s…

She reversed the prediabetes her doctor had diagnosed months earlier…

And once on top of her blood sugar, she even started to tap into her body's natural anti-aging properties!

Along with the metabolism-boosting power of LavaSlim, Helen finally had the perfect combination to escape the weight and blood sugar battles she'd been stuck in for more than 20 years.

Now, you have the chance to accelerate your weight loss journey.

Activate Your Body’s Full Fat-Burning Potential

I’ve secured a limited supply of LavaGuard to share with folk like yourself.

Dr. Kazan was reluctant but acknowledged the amazing power these two supplements have when used together and finally agreed.

Because we want you to see the same life-changing transformation that my wife did.

I want you to be able to admire a slim, healthy figure in the mirror for years to come…

To rekindle the spark and excitement that may have faded in your relationship…

Have coworkers or family secretly jealous of the “new you”…

And to look and feel like you did 10, 20, or maybe even 30 years ago.

There was just one catch.

Dr. Kazan charges private patients $99 for a single bottle of LavaGuard.

His patients happily pay this, knowing what LavaGuard can do for their weight, health, and life.

In fact, that’s what I paid for the first six bottles for Helen.


I knew people 100% determined to lose weight would want this and LavaSlim, but be unable to afford both at the regular price.

And I didn’t want anybody to miss out.

So we negotiated with Dr. Kazan’s suppliers to slash the price to just $39 per bottle.

To make things even easier, we can also ship the 3 or 6-bottle packs to you completely free!

However, we could only get a single batch at this low rate, so I can only offer this discount to you right now.

LavaGuard will NEVER be sold on our website at this price, so I urge you to take advantage while you can.

Try LavaGuard
For Yourself 100% Risk-Free

Whether you just want a single bottle or can’t wait to see the slimming, revitalizing benefits for months to come, you’re covered by the same 180-day money-back guarantee you get with LavaSlim.

So try it for yourself.

If you’re not 100% satisfied with your new body, vitality, and health, you can contact us to get every single penny refunded.

Of course, most of the men and women who use LavaGuard are so happy with the results that they can’t wait to get their hands on more.

That’s why we encourage people to stock up for as long as they can, especially at this super-low price.

Because while you’ll start to see and feel the difference in just a week or two, this is about long-term transformation. The longer you take LavaGuard, the more dramatic and lasting the changes.

But…this is a one-time opportunity that vanishes the moment you leave this page.

The Smallest But Most Important Investment You Ever Make For Your Health?

I know you’ll see a belly-burning difference with LavaSlim, but LavaGuard gives you the formula to completely transform not just your weight or waistline, but your life too.

This combination was the most important investment I ever made for both my wife’s health AND my own.

It’s the same for thousands of men and women around the world too.

Now it could be for you too.

Just click the 1, 3, or 6 bottle pack you want in the table below and we’ll take care of everything else.

Remember, this is your only chance to get LavaGuard for only $39, which saves you $60 per bottle.

Plus, when you order the 3 or 6-bottle pack, you get it shipped to your door absolutely free.

It’s time to say NO to sky-high blood sugar that keeps the weight on.
It’s time to say NO to the risk of Type 2 diabetes and the crippling conditions that come with it.
And it’s time to say YES to a slimmer, healthier, and younger-looking figure than you’ve seen for years.

LavaGuard can help you.

Click the pack you want below and I’ll ship it out with your LavaSlim as soon as I can.

Let’s take back your blood sugar and body starting right now!

Most Popular

6 Bottles

6-Month Supply



+FREE Shipping

TOTAL: $234

1 Bottle

1-Month Supply


+FREE Shipping

TOTAL: $69

3 Bottles

3-Month Supply



+FREE Shipping

TOTAL: $147
*If you see ‘Add to Cart’ buttons above, it means we have stock available. Act now to secure your order while supplies last.
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Scientific References:

  1. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28619294/
  2. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22095937/
  3. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S2405457718304698
  4. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21211558/
  5. https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC10650557/
  6. https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC6415286/
  7. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0378874120330981

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